Another Wonderful Wonderfest. Here are just a few photos that express my joy of being a returning guest for twelve years now:
New artist Lee Copeland was selling these fabulous caricatures of me, and also had one of fellow guest William Stout. I love it, because it looks like me on any given Wonderfest morning!:

This shot was taken by Anita Pace, as I moderated the RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD Q&A panel, with my friends Jim Karen (pictured), Bill Stout and Linnea Quigley:

A candid shot taken in the Guest Room. Look how happy I am to be there!

Me, Crazy Joe Nejberger and Bill at the Sunday Night Banquet, taken by Beau Kaelin:

My dear friends Tim and Donna Lucas, publishers of VIDEO WATCHDOG magazine. I love these folks with all my heart...

More photos to come...Big thanks and big love to Dave Conover, Donnie Waddell, John Davis and Dave Hodge for continuing to include me in their WF family!