Sunday, June 22, 2008
Stormy Weathering Heights
Sorry there hasn't been a new entry here for a while, but I've been very busy working on Larry Blamire's latest exercise in exquisite foolishness, DARK AND STORMY NIGHT. We have one week remaining, and then I'll be back with a sack full o' cool art to share with you all. Stay tuned...

Sunday, June 8, 2008
I Screen Now! The Lost Skeleton Returns!

Last night, the cast and crew of THE LOST SKELETON RETURNS AGAIN!, Larry Blamire's much-anticipated sequel to the original LOST SKELETON OF CADAVRA, gathered at a secret location in Los Angeles for a first screening of the film. The location was "secret" because it was in fact the sound stage that houses the sets for the next Blamire opus, DARK AND STORMY NIGHT. We begin shooting this "Old Dark House"-style parody on Monday.
It was great fun to see the Skeleton Sequel in it's nearly-completed state. The laughter was loud and constant from beginning to end, with many observing that this is Larry's funniest film to date. It was also nice to see my old cast-mates again, including Fay Masterson, Brian Howe, Dan Conroy, Andy Parks, Susan McConnell, Kevin Quinn, Trisha Geiger, Daniel Roebuck, HM Wynant, and particularly our dear friends Larry and wife Jennifer Blaire (pictured above).
Be warned...the Lost Skeleton is back, and he's got a bone to pick!

Kevin Quinn on the DARK AND STORMY NIGHT set.
Brian Howe, Cinematographer A.J. Rickert-Epstein and Dan Conroy.
Producer Mike Schlesinger and author David J. Schow.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Marker Monster Madness!
In my ongoing quest to expand my artistic boundries, I recently invested in a set of Prismacolor markers. My friend Jeff Preston is an astounding talent who produces vivid, eye-popping visuals with these often maligned tools. Classic horror fans may remember his beautiful cover illustrations for magazines such as MONSTERSCENE and LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS. I was shocked when I discovered these stunning pieces were created with design markers, which are as challenging as watercolor to work with, if not more so. Below is one example of Jeff's mastery of the marker...

Impressive, isn't it?
So, without fear of humiliation, I have taken the big leap, and started experimenting with this arduous medium. Here are two first attempts, Boris Karloff from BLACK SUNDAY, and Glenn Strange from ABBOTT AND COSTELLO MEET FRANKENSTEIN.

The fall 2008 issue of LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS will feature a Jeff Preston cover and a Frank Dietz back cover. I'm honored to be working with the master.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Lon Chaney Jr. As Quasimodo
I recently revisited the 1939 version of THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME, and started wondering what Lon Chaney, Jr., fresh off OF MICE AND MEN, might have done with the role of Quasimodo. Charles Laughton's performance is truly wonderful, but I think Lon might have brought something quite good to the part as well. The Hunchback is the kind of character that Chaney Jr. was best at - simple, yet very emotional - so it isn't difficult to imagine him doing well in one of the roles that made his father famous. But in case you need a visual, here's one possible vision of that scenario...

Tuesday, June 3, 2008
A Nod To Jack Davis
Most "Monster Kids" will recall with great affection the Jack Davis six-foot Frankenstein poster that was sold through the pages of Famous Monsters Of Filmland magazine. It is one of the iconic visuals of the 60's and 70's when it comes to monster merchandise. Not long ago a paid a small homage to Jack's wonderful sketch with this watercolor piece. I decided to include little Donnie Dunagan under Karloff's arm, just to make it my own and pay tribute to Donnie, who has become a friend to myself and the classic horror community in general.
Unfortunately, this piece is not six feet tall. But it might be someday...

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