After avoiding jumping into this fray for a long time, I've decided to go ahead and leap head first. So welcome to Frank Dietz's Sketchy Things ArtBlog! The focus here will be on classic monster artwork, my own and others, as well as projects and events and that I appear at throughout the year.
I've really enjoyed reading the blogs of other Monster Kids out there, such as Tim Lucas and his Video Watchblog, Max Cheney's The Drunken Severed Head and Pierre Fournier's Frankensteinia. The latter site I was recently invited to contribute to with a "Guest Blog," which was great fun and quite satisfying because of the enthusiastic response.
You probably won't find much profound thinking here, because I don't have too many profound thoughts. I am, however, pretty good with a pencil or paintbrush, and that is something I can share with you all. Please note that any artwork posted on this blog is the sole property of Frank Dietz, unless otherwise indicated. That means you can't borrow it without permission, or make copies of it or sell it on eBay.
So who am I, you might ask? Chances are if you've been directed to this blog, you already know me, or at least know of me and my work. In a nutshell, I am known as a "Classic Monster Artist," meaning I pay tribute to the actors and characters from movies that love by rendering them in my own art stylings, from caricature to fine art studies. I am also a screenwriter, occasional actor and former Disney animator. I have been honored for the last two years to be named "Artist Of The Year" in the annual Rondo Hatton Classic Horror Awards. Since 1999, I have published seven volumes of sketchbooks, known as The "Sketchy Things" series - which explains the title of this new blog.
To get things started, I thought it would be fitting to post some images of Charlton Heston, a hero from my childhood, who passed away over the weekend.

Chuck Heston was an actor I drew a lot as a kid. He's probably tied with Vincent Price for the actor I did the most sketches of during my formative years. I particularly loved him in the Planet Of The Apes films, as indicated above. I was lucky enough to have met him before he became ill, thanks to my friend John Fasano. It was an encounter I will hold precious for the rest of my life.
This looks great. Couldn't have begun with a better subject. Charlton Heston was a giant and your sketches really capture his persona.
Best of Luck,
Bill Schafer
So glad to see this blog! Enjoy it, Frank, and good luck-- though you won't need it! This will a very popular place, I'm sure!
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