Tuesday, December 29, 2009
A Quasiwatercolor!

Sunday, December 27, 2009
Keep Watching The Skies!
Tor Johnson and Bela Lugosi plan a
Now available from McFarland is Bill's third redux of KEEP WATCHING THE SKIES, and it is seven pounds of sci-fi geek heaven. Filled with in-depth analysis' of hundreds of fantastic films, from the sublime to the ridiculous. Thankfully, Bill asked me to contribute some sublimely ridiculous sketches to this terrific volume, and even allowed me to pick the films I wanted to illustrate. The results are some of my favorite Sketchy Things caricatures ever.

KEEP WATCHING THE SKIES! is available through Barnes and Noble, Overstock.com and many other book outlets. It also has a Rondo-worthy dust jacket cover by my friend, the super-talented Kerry Gammill. See how many of the cover beasties you can recognize!
The Almost Last Painting Of The Decade

I still have a few days before the ball drops (uncomfortable expression, isn't it?), so I may have time to finish one more oil painting...but in the meantime, here's one that I finished yesterday. I wanted to capture that moment, just after Mary Philbin snatches Lon Chaney's mask from his twisted face, and he turns and glares at her in accusational rage. The shot in the film is slightly out of focus, which somehow makes it more nightmarish.
The "soft focus" effect here is easily accomplished. While the oils are still wet on the canvas, I take a fan brush and very lightly drag the brush over the paint. I dry-wipe the brush clean after each stroke. I work in one diagonal direction, and then the other. The key is not to put any pressure on the brush as it sweeps over the paint, just let gravity do it's thing. The result is an eerie, soft glow, which is a pretty cool effect.
I use this technique on almost all my oil paintings, usually after the tones have been laid down. It helps me see that the general shapes of the tones are correct. In most paintings, however, I continue to refine after that. This PHANTOM OF THE OPERA didn't need much else, except a little tweaking in the eyes.
Happy Holidays!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Happy Birthday to Me, 2009!
Below are a few of the treasured gifts I received from my rather notable friends.
From Bernie Wrightson and his lovely wife, Liz - an original birthday sketch:
From LOST SKELETON director Larry Blamire - my LOST SKELETON RETURNS AGAIN character gets his own vintage comic book! Or at least the cover...
From my other pal, David J. Schow - the limited edition hardcover of REYNOLD BROWN, by Daniel Zimmer and David J. Hornung, which showcases the artistry of the man who created all of the cool sci-fi posters of the 1950's.
Great gifts from great friends.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Mystery Science Theater 3000 Interview
ZOMBIE NIGHTMARE has been regarded as one of the very best episodes of this terrific series, and I was more than happy to share my recollections of the experience, and my insight as to why our bad movie works so well in the MST3K format. All the reviews of this new collection have been glowing, so join the Satellite Of Love and pick up your copy before Dr. Forrester and TV's Frank find a way to sabotage its wonder...

Sunday, August 9, 2009
Unmasking Dr. Phibes Part 2

Saturday, August 8, 2009
Unmasking Dr. Phibes Part 1
Once I was certain that the proportions were correct, I began filling in a middle tone over the entire drawing. This was accomplished with a Mars Lumograph 100 B pencil, the only pencil I would use throughout the entire sketch. The tone is gently feathered in, and then rubbed down with my fingers to acheive a nice soft and even middle tone.

Monday, June 22, 2009
"Little Monster, Big Dreams" Sells At Halloweentown
My entry was called "Little Monster, Big Dreams," and was rendered in pencils. It sold early during the opening night party, to a vintage Halloween enthusiast. I was happy to see it go to a good home!

Thursday, June 11, 2009
Delbert Winans, 1949 - 2009

Monday, June 8, 2009
Lon Versus Jack!
Based on a famous "gag" photo taken on the set of FRANKENSTEIN MEETS THE WOLF MAN, it jokingly refers to the alleged combative relationship between Lon Jr. and Pierce. It still brings a smile to my face...

Saturday, June 6, 2009
Havoc Swims Unpainted
The atmosphere of the piece was the most important element. We needed the gloomy, murky feel of an underwater lair, with just enough light to showcase the character. I used a combination of Prussian Blue, Ultramarine Blue and Viridian Green as the main colors, with Burnt Umber and Titanium White to bring out the darks and lights.
Wonderfest 2009 Part 3
...and big thanks to Eileen Colton, Terry Pace and Beau Kaelin for the great pix!
Here are three of my favorite people: Gary Prange, creator and curator of THE OLD DARK CLUBHOUSE, Joe Busam, the Rondo Award-winning producer of MONSTER KID HOME MOVIES, and Linda Wylie, everyone's favorite nurse. Here we drink a toast to good friends.
The Boys Of Wonder (fest) finally receive the long-deserved Rondo Award for Best Convention. John Davis, Dave Hodge, Dave Conover and Donnie Waddell. Congrats, boys!

THE LOST SKELETON RETURNS AGAIN gang pose for a photo op. Frank, Jennifer, the Poster from the movie, Larry and producer Mike Schlesinger are happy to be anywhere, but especially happy to be in Louisville.

A mischevious prank unfolds during a post-convention dinner. Particpating in the hilarity are Jen, Melinda Angstrom (back turned), Frank, David J. Schow, VIDEO WATCHDOG'S Tim and Donna Lucas, Gary Prange and someone's nose to be named later.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Wonderfest 2009 Part 2
David J. Schow takes in the splendor of THE OLD DARK CLUBHOUSE...

The Lost Skeleton Returns Again Poster

Channeling Mr. Poe Part 2
Oh, and the moustache. Almost forgot the moustache.

Thursday, June 4, 2009
Wonderfest 2009
This year's Wonderfest in Louisville, KY was the most fun ever. I was thrilled to be a part of this Rondo Award-winning convention. Here are just a few shots of the mirth and mayhem that ensued.

More photos coming up soon. Thanks to Beau Kaelin for the great pix!
Channeling Mr. Poe Part 1
I recently participated in a group gallery show at Halloweentown in Burbank. The theme of this show was Edgar Allan Poe, and since I had already done a Poe portrait, I decided to do something a little different.
Here a step-by-step look at the creation of my pencil piece, a nod to both Mr. Poe and Mr. Price, who starred in many Poe-inspired movies for producer Roger Corman.
Starting with a simple sketch, the task is about building up tones, little by little:

Saturday, March 14, 2009
New Limited Edition Prints!

The A&C Meet F Castle costs $35.00, U.S. shipping included. This print will be shipped rolled in a mailing tube. I only have 10 of these right now.
To order either of these prints, drop me an e-mail directly at fdietz@sbcglobal.net, and put "Monster Print" in the subject line. I can accept personal checks, money orders and Paypal.
In the meantime, don't forget to vote in this year's Rondo Awards, as time is running out, with the deadline set for March 21st! www.rondoaward.com